Lisa Marie
“I believe that life is important. We have such a short time.” - Lisa Marie
Lisa Marie Sanchez is 56 years old and was born in Los Angeles CA. Her childhood was dark; her mother had mental disabilities. When Lisa was young she wanted to become a police officer. Her happiest moment was that she had closure and peace and also when she recognized that she is someone important. One of her most painful moments she experienced was being out in the streets by herself. She also suffers from mental disabilities. Lisa Marie is grateful to be sober and drug free and believes she is a growth in progress. Her advice to high school students is to recognize that we have family and also to stay in school.
Dreams of being a mechanical engineer
Important influence: my parents
Grateful for: friends and family
I decided to join this class because Brian Peterson inspired me to help out our homeless community. When I see homeless people in the streets I always say to myself ‘What causes them to be in the place they are in?’ Every homeless person has a different situation they go through, but we don’t always realize it. Now I realize that each person is unique and special in their own way. I decided to use the color yellow in the background because it represents happiness, positivity and joy. I also chose the color orange because it represents encouragement and determination. I believe that Lisa Marie has all the characteristics that I mentioned. I feel like the colors I chose represent her perfectly.